YOU, yes you, welcome to the era of health where information meets technology to provide you insights about your overall health.
Where staying informed about your health is as easy as a tap on the screen.
Alongside the growing awareness, new technologies are constantly emerging.
Fitness bands and smartwatches have become so common nowadays.
They don’t just track your walking time; but also provide information about your current heart rate, the distance you’ve covered, your blood pressure, and specifically, your resting heart rate.
You might’ve probably heard that a lower resting heart rate is a sign of good cardiovascular health and physical fitness.
But ever wondered – “How can I reduce my resting heart rate? What is the healthy resting heart rate? Or simply just, what is a resting heart rate? and how fit you are??”
Before we jump into how to reduce your resting heart rate, let’s take a quick look at what heart rate is all about.
What is Resting Heart Rate a.k.a RHR?
Resting Heart Rate simply means ‘how many times your heart beats per minute when you’re at rest and doing nothing’.
Lower RHR is better — it means your heart is working efficiently, smarter, and not harder.
It indicates a lower risk of heart problems in the future. Similarly. higher resting heart rate signifies an increased risk of heart disease or other medical conditions.
It’s typically measured in the morning after you wake up and before you get out of your bed.
It’s an indication of how efficiently your heart pumps blood throughout your body when you are not engaged in any physical activity.
Lower RHR means your heart doesn’t have to work as hard to pump blood, which is a good thing.
On the other hand, a higher resting heart rate may indicate poor fitness levels and potential heart-related issues in future.
Several factors can affect your RHR, including age, fitness level, genetics, stress levels, hydration, and overall health.
Example: Athletes tend to have lower RHRs due to their excellent cardiovascular conditioning, while sedentary individuals may have higher RHRs.
How to Measure Resting Heart Rate?

You can manually measure your RHR by placing two fingers (not the thumb) on your wrist or neck to feel your pulse. Count the number of beats you feel in 60 seconds.
Tension not if you’ve got a smartwatch. That will automatically do the job for you if you wake up wearing it.
You don’t necessarily need high-end and expensive smartwatches to do so. A cost-effective one which would show accurate and reliable reading would do the job.
I personally use this “Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 Classic”.
I’m kinda regretting spending around 30k on it earlier, when now on the OFFER SALE you can get it just for just 9-12k. An absolute steal deal and worth every penny at this mind-blowing price.
Now, let’s get straight to the main issue and the solutions to fix your high resting heart rate.
How to Reduce Resting Heart Rate? (Fix High RHR)
(1) Regular Exercise. Stay Active
Say no to a sedentary lifestyle and start getting active. Engage in weight training and exercises like walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, etc. regularly.
They will make your heart stronger over time putting less exertion on it for pumping blood.
Aim for at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity depending upon your body conditioning and fitness levels.
(2) Eat Healthy. Follow a Healthy Diet!
Consume a nourishing balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, fibre, and whole grains.
Limit intake of processed and deep-fried foods, excessive salt and sugar, etc.
Skip the junk and feel the difference.
If you’re serious about fixing your health and fitness attributes as soon as possible, get a mentor or a customized diet plan tailored according to your lifestyle, food preferences, or medication conditions – if any.
Take action immediately before a medical condition or emergency knocks your life!
(3) Shed those Kilos. Lose Weight!

Excess weight can strain your heart and keep it constantly under stress and exhaustion.
Think of it like carrying a heavy backpack all the time. Just imagine if put a bag filled with weights on your back — your heart would have to work extra hard, making you feel exhausted and drained much faster.
Get 21 Golden Rules of Fat Loss summarized for you in a guide. These are the only tips you need on the whole internet to lose weight and get a slim-trim body.
Lose the extra weight and watch your RHR drop significantly!
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(4) Ditch that SMOKING and Drinking!
Smoking and drinking? Not cool for the heart. Quit it or cut back start feeling the difference yourself.
Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can raise your RHR and contribute to heart disease.
Studies have found that within hours of quitting smoking or cutting alcohol intake, your heart rate starts to go back to normal, easing the strain on your heart and lowering your resting heart rate.
(5) Get Adequate Sleep!
Lack of sleep can keep your heart rate elevated all the time. You’ll experience palpitations and an irregular heartbeat.
I’m also speaking this from my personal experience — I have noticed this when I stay up for long hours at night writing articles for you people.
Lack of sleep can harm your overall health.